Thursday, August 13, 2009


There are so many trees now
Why can’t the orangutan swing itself?
From tree to tree
From branches to branches
Must it stay in one?
Oh, I know why
Because of the human beings down there
Holding the axe
Guess you know what they do
But I think you have to think twice
Think beyond
Think out of the box
They are actually models
Posing with the axe
For advertisement
Since then why can’t people understand?
And let the orangutan swing
Let it feel, let it see, let it learn
Is it because there is another human being?
Holding a saw this time?
Don’t forget
Think twice; think beyond; think out of the box

By: Ching Soo Theng (ex-st.marian)

Signing off,
Suet Yan

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